Refund Policy
Funds for services purchased from can only be reimbursed if cancelled within 30 days of the transaction.
The transaction date under this Refund Policy is the date of purchase of any service, including the date when Azzimuth Group LTD. carries out the extension of services in accordance with the terms of the relevant agreement on the service (Terms of Use). You can cancel the service anytime, but a refund will only be made if the request is made within the refund period specified for that service.
General terms apply to all refund-eligible Services. In addition, the special term(s) may apply to a specific service outlined below.
In no event is the same Service eligible for more than one refund.
Service(s) must be cancelled before we can issue a refund.
No refund will be made if your Service(s) are suspended or terminated for cause.
All refunds are processed in EUR: you, the customer, bear sole responsibility for any fluctuations in the exchange rate(s) between the time of payment and the time of refund.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Via Email:
info@advisions.ioVia Link: